Integrating systems to ease tracking, retracing & ultimately assist you in returning to business.
With a cloud based fully integrated QHSE Compliance System & Free Mobile App here's how Mango Software can help with COVID-19 return to work controls.
A number of organisations will shortly be able to return to work but under strict conditions that need to be managed.
The great news is that with Mango Software you already have all of the control elements in one integrated system to allow you to do this and we wanted to outline them for you.
Below are the modules and the ways that we believe you can use them to manage your COVID-19 lockdown transition back to operations:
Use The Accident / Incident Module To:
Record if an employee becomes ill at work and you suspect it is linked to Covid-19 or if they report an exposure to Covid-19, this is important as you may need to report that to authorities quickly to allow contact tracing to begin.
That initial reporting should be done in the Accident / Incident Module using the following set up:
Type of Accident/Incident
This is classed as a Serious Health Incident / Notifiable.
Mango has a process workflow in order for individuals to be automatically alerted in such cases when this type of incident is recorded.
Type & Code Set Up
When processing the incident, you should add the following Type & Code to the action stages:
COVID-19 Suspected Infection
COVID-19 Confirmed Infection
COVID– 19 Close Contact to suspected or confirmed case
These settings will give you the ability to track issues linked to Covid-19 and build reports that can be exported and shared as required internally and externally.
Use The Audit Module To:
We have set up a number of Sample Audits available to Mango users to help them get started on these requirements.
All audits are available on the Mobile app which is free for all Mango clients and employees, all of these audits can be both scheduled or used on an “as & when” basis populating and recording as required.
All audits once complete automatically move to a reviewer, allowing someone in your compliance team (health professionals, QHSE advisors and managers) or senior management / supervision to action as required. You can build reports out of all the audit questions and export these where further analysis or sharing with authorities (if required) is needed to provide evidence of the controls you have in place and the supporting evidence. The audit module also allow you to build action plans through our improvement module, where weaknesses are identified related to Covid-19 control and need improvement actions to be taken.
These settings will give you the ability to track issues linked to Covid-19, raise with management and build reports that can be exported and shared as required.
The personal health review will allow you to have employees pre-certify themselves prior to returning to work after lockdown and is based on a flow chart in the Covid 19 H&S Guide. All employees should complete this and submit it prior to working, you would be able to build a report on this audit to show which employees have not completed the form.
This is a simple 2 question inspection which asks: who the person is working with – they can add names in the notes section but the drop down gives them the options of Alone, With other employees, With other Employees & Contractors or Contractors. The 2nd question is a self-declaration that confirms they are not showing any COVID-19 symptoms.
The Title should be the location that the person is working from or the project / site number to let you link to that location when reporting.
This checklist is also based on the Covid 19 H&S Guidance and provides a checklist for a manager/supervisor to ensure that they have systems in place prior to people returning to a worksite / location to confirm that documentation and plans are correctly set up, or address actions needing to be taken.
The Title should be the location or project / site that the inspection is being undertaken.
This inspection checklist provides a 3 section audit for worksites that ensures the thinking around the general working arrangements, external interface controls, site entry and site working practices.
The Title should be the location or project / site that the inspection is being undertaken to let you link to that location when reporting.
This is a basic 7 question location/site observation that will allow you to quickly audit and provide evidence to authorities that you have done what you can to ensure the safe set up of your location/site to reduce risk as much as possible for COVID 19.
The Title should be the location or project / site that the inspection is being undertaken to let you link to that location when reporting.
Remember that these can also be set up with event reminders to ensure that they are carried out and people are alerted that they need to be done or not getting done.
Use The Documents Module To:
The Documents module controls all of your manuals, processes, procedures, policies and files that you want your team to use. This is the perfect place to have your documented procedures and templates that are to be used within the COVID-19 recovery process all in one place and correctly controlled through document control methods built in to the Mango Compliance Software.
Documents Section
If you already have an infectious disease control manual then you may want to add a section covering any COVID-19 specifics however remember that this is purely an infectious disease and so you should try to keep things as generic as possible in this area to avoid you having to continuously update it.
Alternatively Create a COVID manual and COVID File structure, do not include COVID into your standard content. Remember in the future Covid-19 may not be a health risk which you need to control and will save you time modifying your existing compliance system.
Files Section
In the Files section upload templates that you want your team to use, for example an excel copy of the Sign In Register, or a new policy so that it’s available in one place to ensure the entire organisation uses the same information.
Remember when you create documentation (documents and files) within Mango and release it you have the ability to request individuals to acknowledge (and share this acknowledgement with others in their team – if not using Mango) the documents and/or files which then registers in their HR profile, this provides evidence of the information being communicated and the person(s) acknowledging the requirements set out within the documents and files.
Use The Human Resources Module To:
Human Resource Management is one of the key modules for holding evidence that you have completed the additional training and taken the steps you need in order to keep your people safe. Here are some of the ways you can use this module.
You should look at inducting people again for your work sites. The E-Learning module within the Skills section of the HR module will allow you to do that induction both generic & site specific. You can also add pictures and videos to this induction and link to NHS and other Government guidance.
Remember that the E-Learning module automatically updates the HR records to show that the person has taken the assessment and their scores, this is also alerted to the assessor who can review and make a decision if more training is required.
This is another alternative to the COVID19 Personal Health Review where you could set up the same questions in the E-Learning and have those answered.
Record any COVID-19 training carried out in the training / skills section. You can capture multiple people at the same time via the Add Multiple options and upload any signed documents which will automatically add those to employee records which can then be reported out on via the report writer.
Use the Adhoc training record (Add multiple) to record all of your toolbox sessions uploading a copy of the register and content therefore keeping records retained on each individuals HR records to provide traceability.
The PPE Section in the HR module will allow you to record what PPE was issued to each employee and the date, therefore providing you with a complete register of what each person has had and used. Again this can be added individually or via the 'Add Multiple'.
Use The Improvements Module To:
The Improvements module captures everything that needs to be taken in order to demonstrate your action / improvement plans, in order that any processes that you find lacking as a result of your new COVID-19 processes can be listed here to demonstrate the changes you are making.
Type of Improvement
Most improvements linked to your COVID-19 processes will be listed under Health & Safety improvements, but some may be system or supplier improvements for example.
This module will allow you to capture and track them using those categories so you shouldn't need to add more.
Type & Code Set Up
Just like when processing incidents in the Accident/Incident module the Improvement module identifies the corresponding categories required for example:
COVID-19 Suspected Infection
COVID-19 Confirmed Infection
COVID-19 Close Contact to suspect or confirmed case
Improvement Action
This is where you identify the actions that need to be taken related to the improvement. This can be sent to another member of your company to address this, for example the purchasing department or a more senior person.
It is also where you may be able to identify improvements related to suppliers you have registered on Mango, possibly related to corrective actions which the supplier needs to take and requesting them to report their action plans to you for recording in Mango. In all cases this can be reported to share with relevant stakeholder of the actions taken by your company both internally and externally.
Improvement Action
This is where you identify the actions that need to be taken related to the improvement. This can be sent to another member of your company to address this, for example the purchasing department or a more senior person.
It is also where you may be able to identify improvements related to suppliers you have registered on Mango, possibly related to corrective actions which the supplier needs to take and requesting them to report their action plans to you for recording in Mango. In all cases this can be reported to share with relevant stakeholder of the actions taken by your company both internally and externally.
Use The Risk Management Module To:
Capture all your risks! Covid-19 is clearly a risk to personal health, your organisation and others that come to locations and sites you have control over, so you need to record these risks in the risk management module.
Record each of the risks individually and the controls that you are putting in place. By making these permanent risks you can add them to the various Risk registers that you have set up for your organisation or create a dedicated COVID19 register that is applicable across the entire organisation.
Create either a single master COVID-19 register or individual site or work area related risks that can have all of the information in one place that is easy to use and easy to keep track of.
Once you have your risk registers you can then print them out and have people at sites sign them then upload that via the HR Adhoc training record or toolbox meeting records as evidence that you have communicated it to your employees.
Use The Supplier Module To:
The supplier module lets you capture all the information you need from your suppliers and contractors. You may have requested suppliers provide you their COVID 19 plans or risk assessments, plus details on the PPE the contractor employees have been issued with. This information should be saved within the system. You have 2 options for doing this:
Create a COVID-19 event related to a specific supplier to request their documentation when the event is signed off this information can be uploaded and will form part of the history of the event for that supplier. It also allows you to then request updates to this documentation if required and issue reminders to owners within your company and also directly to your supplier from Mango if you wish.
Under the Other Information tab add a record of receiving the Covid 19 information under the Insurances & other requirements with a date of when you received which is something that can be then reported out from Mango. Upload the information as an attachment here. Again, you can provide access to a supplier to do this if you need to.
The Supplier Module allows you to load in the employees from the supplier that are working with your organisation. Use this area to capture them and the locations they are working to make it easy to contact trace.
You are able to provide your suppliers with their own log on for the system which means they can log into your system and upload the information that you need without you having to do it all.
Use The Plant & Equipment Module To:
The Plant & Equipment Module holds all the information about all of your equipment including the maintenance request system which gives you some powerful tools in this fight.
Track Your Equipment
Track the location of your equipment by adding worksite information to the "Other" description or including it in the notes section of the equipment.
Schedule Cleaning
Use the Events tab to schedule and record that cleaning of the vehicles has been done to mitigate risk of the virus being transferred via the vehicle or the equipment inside.
Carry out Inspections
Select the plant or equipment as part of the Audit module to link the audit records directly to the equipment for any COVID-19 checks you need to do.
Allocate the Equipment to a Person
The plant & Equipment Module gives you the ability to allocate equipment to a person, giving you then the ability to trace items they have been in contact with, allowing you to run simple reports in Mango.
Track who has provided Maintenance
Using the Maintenance Management section of the module you can track which employees or contractors have worked on a piece of equipment should you need to contact trace.
Use The Compliance Module To:
The Compliance module will allow you to document all the steps you have taken across your entire system to show that you have taken all practicable actions to provide a safe and healthy working environment and get the ability to contact trace as much as you can.
Record All Actions
Note all of the steps that you have taken to comply with the requirements in one central place that can be provided as evidence to anyone who asks for it.
Link Documents & Files
Create direct internal links to all of the documented processes and files you have created to manage your COVID-19 response

Configuring Mango to Meet Contact Tracing & Safety Requirements
In this video Peter Rogers and Nathan Cottom of Mango discuss additional options on how to setup Mango to assist you to meet the compliance requirements as you move from a lockdown or quarantine to a more "open for business" operation.
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