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In today’s hectic work environment, many tasks must be managed concurrently. As a result, important activities can be overlooked. This is one of the main findings reported by auditors - that jobs are simply forgotten.


Many organisations rely on spreadsheets to monitor and record activities, but without regularly reviewing these documents you run the risk of not completing vital tasks to ensure staff are trained, equipment is inspected, audits are complete, risks are reviewed, documents are revised, and the list goes on and on.


Mango’s Event Management module controls scheduled activities and reminders, regardless of what the activity is for or who is responsible. Never forget about another vital activity again.

No More Forgotten Activities - No More Excuses

Event Management Made Easy With Mango

Mango’s Event Management module controls scheduled activities and reminders.


It enables you to programme any necessary activity - for example fire drills, audits, staff reviews, preventative maintenance, review meetings, inspections and calibrations, etc.


Mango then automatically emails the person responsible for completing the task. If tasks are not completed in the prescribed timeframe, gentle email reminders are automatically sent by Mango. If the task remains unfinished, Mango alerts an escalation person to ensure the activity never gets forgotten.

"Events (Reminders) module helps ensure nothing ever gets missed"

Chris Watt

Quality and Health and Safety Manager

Hally Labels

With Mango You Can:

Automatically remind the person responsible for a task

Automatically send escalation alerts to the administrator if events are not completed within the administrator-defined timeframe

Set up events to reflect requirements

Easily view events

View an employee’s events on the Dashboard

Keep a history of all events

Set up any type of event

Easily observe due or overdue tasks

Be assured that the system is maintained and controlled at all times

Control your preventative maintenance

Control the calibration activities that occur on scheduled events

Plan and schedule internal and external audits and management reviews

Manage and control recurring training requirements

Don't forget, the event management module also talks to your dashboard, so you can see immediately what is due, when and most importantly if something has gone overdue, using our simple red, amber, green traffic light indicators

FQM Ltd Glasgow: 

+44 141 212 2112

FQM Ltd Aberdeen: 

+44 1224 628 260

Registered Address: 

FQM Ltd,

272 Bath Street,

Glasgow, G2 4JR.

FQM Ltd London: 

+44 208 016 6468

FQM Ltd Manchester: 

+44 161 537 5258


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